Ertugrul ghazi quotes


Beautiful Halal Relationship Quotes you must Read

Beautiful Quotes on Relationship

Halal is an Arabic word which means lawful and permitted. Haram, the antonym of halal, means unlawful or prohibited. Halal and haram are profound terms with a universal applicability. This philosophy applies to all facets of life.

It’s difficult to come across a religion that encourages showing affection and mutual love like Islam. Islam provides for a respectful and halal relationship between men and women and even towards family, friends, and neighbors.

True love is spiritual and deep. False love is based in material notions and short-term fulfillment. True love promotes spiritual as well as personal & professional growth. False love brings resentment and frustration.

So, we thought we’d compile some words of wisdom from the Holy Quran about halal relationships. We think that the words of the Prophet and the Holy Quran will guide you towards true, spiritual, and meaningful love.

Read the following halal relationship quotes and some of the most beautiful love quotes to help guide you towards the right way. You’ll find beautiful words for your husband, beautiful words for your wife, couple quotes, and beautiful relationship quotes that’ll inspire you to become a more caring and loving person. We hope that these beautiful halal relationship quotes will fill your heart with love and compassion for your near and dear ones…Read More



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